About the Journal

International Journal of Chinese and English Translation & Interpreting (IJCETI) [ISSN: 2753-6149] is an international, open access, and peer-reviewed journal on Chinese and English translation and interpreting. The journal is devoted to the T&I research, training and practice of Chinese and English language pair. It promotes a cross-fertilization among research, training and professional practice in Chinese/English T&I studies. The journal publishes original works selectively based on merit, rigour and integrity. It adopts open-access policies to promote accessibility and academic impact.

The journal started in 2021 with Professor Binhua Wang, University of Leeds, UK as founding editor-in-chief. It publishes two issues per annum, including guest-edited special issues where there is an interest. The journal welcomes submissions of the following types:

  • Research Article
  • Reflection on Teaching Practice
  • Reflection on Professional Practice
  • Book Review

Current Issue

International Journal of Chinese and English Translation & Interpreting (ISSN: 2753-6149)
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