
Login or Register to make a submission.

Author Guidelines


Authors need to register an account in order to make the submissions online. Once a login is created, please use the same login for current and future submissions.

Authors should submit three files, including: 1) "Manuscript anonymous", i.e., the full manuscript in WORD format (Article Template) with no author information or authors’ names in the text; 2) "Title page”, i.e., a WORD page with the manuscript title, author’s name, affiliation, short bio of 200 words max. and ORCID (optional); 3) "Similarity Check Proforma", completed and signed as a PDF copy.

If the author needs to substitute an earlier submission, use the same login and do NOT resubmit as a new paper or create a new registration. Please watch 'How to Use OJS - Tutorial Videos'.

Manuscripts must be prepared using the article template provided which can be downloaded from the right-hand side navigation panel.

When making the submission, choose one of the following categories and follow the instructions accordingly.

  • Research Article
  • Reflections on Teaching Practice
  • Reflections on Professional Practice
  • Book Review

Articles are submitted on the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere previously and that they are not being submitted simultaneously to another journal.

If the author uses materials protected by copyright, it is the author’s responsibility to acquire any necessary permissions and they are personally responsible for the payment of any fee related to copyright that may be applicable. Authors are also responsible for obtaining any ethical clearance necessary for the publication of their article.

Length: Research articles should normally be between 6,000 and 8,000 words (or Chinese characters) in length, but not exceeding 10,000 words including appendices. Submission to the Reflection sections can be 3000 - 5000 words (or Chinese characters) or more. Book reviews can be 1,000 words or more.

Language: We consider mainly contributions in English using consistent spelling conventions either in BrE (British English) or AmE (American English), though quality papers in Chinese can also be considered. For papers in Chinese, an extended English abstract of 500 words is required.

If you feel your paper needs some revision so that it is more concise and accessible to the readers and reviewers, you could use professional copyediting service to improve the structure and expression of your paper. Some FAQs on copyediting.

Style Guides

IJCETI uses APA referencing style. For grammar and usage, Chicago Style Guide is generally followed. Manuscript and copy typesetting follow IJECETI’s own styles Key points are listed below and further details can be found on the downloadable article template.


An abstract of less than 250 words must be submitted together with the full manuscript for research articles.

For Reflection articles, an abstract is optional. No abstract is needed for Book Reviews or other sections.


Keywords given in the manuscript should be the ones that are important but have not appeared in the title.

Font & Size

Use the downloadable article template for submissions. Times New Roman is the standard font for IJCETI publications. For section titles, ATJH1 should be used. ATHH2 is used for sub-session titles, and so on so forth, if you need to use further sub-subsections. The ATJ body text should be used for all body texts.

Abbreviation, Acronym and Initial

Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they appear in the main text, even they have been defined in the abstract. Avoid the use of abbreviations in the title or sections unless they are unavoidable. Symbols are treated in the same way as acronyms. They must be defined when they first occur in your text. It is recommended if these short forms are used no more than twice, perhaps you should avoid defining and using them at all.

Referencing & Footnote

APA referencing style should be abide by, and examples are given in the template. If a bibliography is needed, you can add it to the end of the references using the same layout.

IJCETI does not support the use of footnotes as a means of content clarification or locally presented references. For content clarification, you can give explanation in the main text. The only allowable use of footnotes is to acknowledge the rights permission. The use of footnotes is strictly limited to the case where the use of them is to enable the publishing of the content legally.


All trademarks should be denoted as trademarks, not just usual proper nouns.

Tables & Figures

The table style is not stipulated, but titles and captions are. The table style is chosen to best form your content. If coloured grids or panels are used, be mindful of possible colour distortion from screens and printers. 

Every figure presented must have a title for it. Captions are optional. To make the layout neat and allow for sufficient clarification, IJCETI recommend keeping explanation to figures in main text instead of the use of lengthy captions. 

Authorship and Contributorship

When a submission is made to the journal, the author list should be final and correct. All authors listed must have given prior approval to have their name attributed to the work being submitted and agree to publication. The corresponding author must ensure that all authors qualify for and have agreed to authorship. They are responsible for informing all co-authors of relevant editorial information throughout the review process.

Competing Interest & funding declaration

All authors should disclose any financial or other conflict of interest that may be deemed to influence the results or interpretation of their study. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.

Licence and Copyrights

Articles are published under the licence of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).  

This journal adopts the Gold Open Access and provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Article Processing Charge

In order to provide free access to readers, it is a common practice for OA journals to charge Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover the costs of copyediting, typesetting, indexing & archiving, and journal management. IJCETI is no exception.

The current APC rate is 260 British sterling pounds.

IJCETI provides waivers and discounts to authors from low- and middle-income countries, based on the Research4Life country list. Authors from these countries will have APC costs waived (for Group A countries) or reduced by 50% (for Group B countries).

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 11-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

Research Article

In order to maintain quality, we place emphasis on the Originality, Significance and Rigour of the submission. Originality is understood in terms of the innovative character of the study: whether it engages with new and/or complex problems; develops innovative research methods, methodologies and analytical techniques; provides new empirical material; and/or advance theory or the analysis of doctrine, policy or practice. Significance is assessed in terms of the submission’s contribution to adding new knowledge to the field in theory or practice and may be theoretical, methodological and/or applicable. Rigour refers to the methodological design, and robustness and appropriateness of the concepts, analyses, theories and methodologies deployed within the submission. Account should be taken of such qualities as the integrity, coherence and consistency of arguments and analysis, and the due consideration of ethical issues if any.

The articles to be accepted for publishing need to be those adding new knowledge or developing concepts, techniques or outcomes, demonstrating rigorous research design and techniques of investigation and analysis, and written with sound logic and clear presentation.

Reflection Article

Indicative guidelines are provided here. Submissions need to include the following as essential components of content:

A comprehensive description or summary of the teaching, training or professional practice, activity and experience that you reflect on. For example, the translation or interpreting process, the translation or interpreting project, the translation or interpreting product, the translation or interpreting activity, the translation or interpreting training experience, etc.

A structured and in-depth discussion or reflection on the teaching, training or professional practice, activity and experience.

What best practices, typical problems, useful solutions, trends about the profession, or useful activities can be summarised from this?

Book Review

Authors are asked to use 'Book Revew: book title' when making the submission.

Privacy Statement

The journal follows the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We ensure that any information held is used fairly, lawfully and transparently.

The data collected from registered users falls within the scope of the standard functioning of peer-reviewed journals. Such information makes communication possible for the editorial process. Data concerning the authors, editors, reviewers, and others involved in the editorial and publishing process remain a necessary part of the publishing record. No information will be shared with a third party apart from archiving and indexing purpose and only involves those published articles.

Where a password is needed to access certain parts of our site, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share a password with anyone.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.