Translation of Culture-loaded Terms in Martial Arts Fiction from the Perspective of Distancing: A Case Study of Legends of the Condor Heroes




martial arts fiction, culture-loaded terms, distancing degree, Legends of the Condor Heroes


This paper is a descriptive study conducted under the framework of cultural distancing in Liu Miqing’s cultural translation theory. This study classifies the culture-loaded terms in Legends of the Condor Heroes into culture-reflecting, culture-projecting, culture-refracting, and culture-insinuating based on distancing. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, various translation strategies and approaches are identified in correspondence to the four categories. Generally speaking, approaches under the domestication strategy are used more frequently than those of the foreignization strategy; and the larger the distancing, the higher frequency of using the domestication strategy. In addition, the combination of approaches under both strategies has also proved effective. This study manages to establish the correlation between distancing degree and the choice of translation strategies and approaches, therefore providing a new perspective for exploring the translation of culture-loaded terms in martial arts fiction.


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Author Biographies

  • Xin Li, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China

    Xin Li is an associate professor at Shanghai International Studies University. Author of The Pragmatics of Translation of Discourse Markers, she has published widely in international journals and translated several works from Chinese to English and vice versa, including Risk Prevention and Control System of Urban Public Security (Springer).

  • Wanling Liu, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China

    Wanling Liu is an MA student at Shanghai International Studies University.


